World View - A global perspective on our one world

Friday, October 10, 2008

These are times...

These are times that make it hard to blog. There is so much happening that it almost makes it feel superfluous and futile to write blogs about any one thing. But if I were to choose one thing to blog about it is fear. We (and that means everybody in the world) need to be ready to keep our heads cool. Once fear becomes entrenched it can be manipulated. That has been proven so many times, it isn't even worth listing them. And every country has examples in its modern history of the nurturing and use and abuse of fear by groups of people and/or governments as a tool for enhancing that group or government's power. By not allowing ourselves to be in a chronic state of fear, we empower ourselves, we serve as an example to others, and we retain the judgement necessary to oppose anarchy or tyranny.


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